Archives June 2023

June Is Acne awareness Month… how aware Are You?

Acutely aware of what seems to be a constellation forming on my chin…
This week, while browsing the web, I came across a post that said that June is Acne awareness Month.

Did you guys know about this? because I, your high oily-ness, did not.


The post is an interesting roundup from the writers of the site about their acne, and it gave me a fair bit of amusement and some feelings of solidarity, because as someone who writes often about skincare and beauty and is in constant awe of makeup and the skills that people use to apply it, I’m also in constant awareness of my acne.

(Did you just think of mad Eye Moody yelling constant VIGILANCE? because I did. #harrypotternerd4life.)

Getting back to Acne awareness Month…I don’t know exactly how I feel about it. I feel like there are already “awareness” and “appreciation” months for everything nowadays. One could say that it would bring better awareness to taking care of your skin, but wait — September is already national Skin care awareness Month (and may is Skin cancer awareness Month).


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I’ve waxed poetic about my acne before, but it’s been flaring up more than usual lately, especially around my chin. The moisturizers and oils that (ironically) served me well for a few months aren’t helping anymore, and I’m still looking for something to use this summer (Murad has some very helpful articles on their website in honor of Acne awareness Month).


Acne-wise, the things I struggle with the most are whiteheads, papules, pustules, and the occasional cyst (so, SO attractive).

I would like to think that sometimes I’m less aware of my acne, for my own sake, but when it comes down to it, it’s usually constantly in my awareness. It’s always there because, well, it’s front and center. It’s the first thing I notice when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I address before I go to bed.

Did you know that June is Acne awareness Month? and what do you think of the constant cycle of awareness/appreciation months?

I’m getting a rush From This Coral Flush: It Cosmetics CC+ brilliance Ombre blush in Coral Flush

add this blush to your list of “Things of the utmost value That need to Be attended to ASAP,” because we all know that blush is of the utmost importance…and blushes that refuse to sit on top of your skin lookin’ like a heavy, caked-on mess are of the utmost utmost importance.

Yes, that’s a lot of utmosts.


It Cosmetics CC+ brilliance Ombre blush in Coral Flush takes that time you blushed when you saw your favorite dude from One direction smile at you from across the street (yes, let’s assume this happened) and injects the essence of that into a reddish coral pan tinged with pink.

The color can also be described as “I’m so ecstatic and I just can’t hide it!” because it burnishes cheeks without shimmer or sparkle. It’s also an epically natural-looking beginner’s blush and a no-longer-hidden gem.


Swatch out for it next time you pounce upon Ulta with your favorite makeup-enabling friend. (Mine is my buddy Marisol… We go there and egg each other on, and it’s a hot, stunning mess!).

PRICE: $24
AVAILABILITY: Permanent, and available now online and at Ulta
MAKEUP and appeal blog RATING: A+

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,
