Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and appeal blog Mascot, Vol. 321

Acclaimed kitty supermodel and service mogul Tabs the cat sat down with me for a very special interview this morning (he was paid in treats), and we covered crucial topics like pet peeves, bucket lists and zodiac signs.

We didn’t have time to get to all of your questions this time, but keep ’em coming because Tabs absolutely wants to do it again.


This post is sponsored by Purina pro plan #proplancatpartner. For information about my posting policy, please see my Disclaimer.

About Purina pro plan cat food


Whenever I fill his bowl with Purina pro plan indoor care dry cat food, Tabs comes running from wherever he is in the house, even when he still has some food left. I guess he prefers it fresh…as in straight out of the bag! Purina pro Plan’s large range of dry and wet cat foods and snacks, sold exclusively at pet specialty stores, can be found in three special nutritional platforms — Savor, Finesse, and focus — with each formula created to supply advanced nutrition to help bring out the best in your cat. For a lot more information about them, check out, and follow Purina pro plan cat on Twitter @proplancat.

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addicts,

Karen and Tabs