Get Rid of Glittery fallout on Your face With gentle Nexcare first aid Tape

Tape is your BFF when you’re wearing glitter on your eyes. For reals!

Even when I’m trying to be extra, extra careful, when I work with glitter, inevitably, flecks will land on my nose and cheeks, so I always have a roll of Nexcare gentle Paper Tape around (at the drugstore, you’ll typically find it in the same area as the Band-Aids). this one here with the dispenser costs less than $3.


Regular Scotch Tape will work, too, but I think the Nexcare tape, which is developed for first aid, works better and is simpler to remove.

Just take a good amount, and roll it around your fingers like so…

Then, gently press on your skin wherever you see miscellaneous glitter bits and bobs floating around where they aren’t expected to be…

“Gently” is the essential word here! You don’t want to be too aggro when you’re pressing down because you might end up lifting some of your foundation, or whatever else you happen to be wearing.

This suggestion also works for glitter on your lids, like, say, if you unintentionally apply too much, or if you put some on but then change your mind.


I just did that a moment ago, as a matter of fact! The MAC 3D glitter in 3D Brass Gold I was wearing in the top picture just wasn’t working for me (it’s a little yellow, methinks), so I took many of it off using Nexcare tape, and it didn’t disturb the shadow I was wearing underneath.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,
